We are not the first to take this step and hope this will encourage other gaming and technology companies to examine their position in an industry in which women, people of color, and other marginalized identities have been historically underrepresented.

Pipeworks conducts our annual demographic surveys anonymously in hopes that employees feel comfortable providing the most accurate information. We ask all employees to select their identity group(s) for the following categories: Gender, Race and Ethnicity, Age, Sexual Orientation, Religion, Ability/Disability status, Veteran status, and Caregiver status. Each question on the demographic survey has “Prefer not to disclose” as a possible answer choice. The survey was distributed to 193 employees, and we received 183 responses at its conclusion. Those that did not respond are represented under “Prefer not to disclose” in the following data.
We provide additional data for the “Gender” and “Race and Ethnicity” categories to compare the whole studio demographics to the demographics of the Engineering Department, Studio Leadership, and Studio Management. In this distinction, the Engineering Department consists of any respondents within the Engineering discipline. Studio Leadership refers to employees at our director level or above, and Studio Management refers to any employees who oversees other employees or full projects. All percentages are rounded to the nearest tenth. Any answer choices that received less than 3 respondents have been combined with other categories to protect internal anonymity.
The data collected in 2023 is shown alongside last year’s results and our baseline data from 2020. Pipeworks’ hiring and turnover rates reduced significantly in 2023, which has resulted in smaller changes to our demographics across all categories.

Men continue to make up most of Pipeworks’ employee population at 66.3%, however women, non-binary, and gender queer employee presence has continued to increase year over year. Pipeworks has more than doubled our representation of female employees since we began this process, increasing from just 9% in 2020 to 20.2% in 2023, up from 18.4% in 2022. Female, non-binary, and gender queer identities combined increased slightly from 22.9% in 2022 to 23.3% in 2023.
Men make up a significant majority of the Engineering Department at 80.6%, up slightly from last year, while women representation in Engineering remained steady at 4.5%. Female representation in Studio Leadership decreased from 20% in 2022 to 16.7% in 2023, and Studio Management saw an increase from 6.3% in 2022 to 10.5% in 2023.
Key Initiatives:
In 2023, Pipeworks hosted a roundtable for Women’s Equality Day and provided women in the studio a platform to share experiences from their careers. Our speakers shared their influences and inspirations, as well as the hardships they faced breaking into and thriving in a male-dominated industry. This roundtable was followed by a Q&A that sparked ideas on how to help women and other marginalized identities feel a sense of belonging even in spaces where they may be underrepresented.
Men continue to make up most of Pipeworks’ employee population at 66.3%, however women, non-binary, and gender queer employee presence has continued to increase year over year. Pipeworks has more than doubled our representation of female employees since we began this process, increasing from just 9% in 2020 to 20.2% in 2023, up from 18.4% in 2022. Female, non-binary, and gender queer identities combined increased slightly from 22.9% in 2022 to 23.3% in 2023.
Men make up a significant majority of the Engineering Department at 80.6%, up slightly from last year, while women representation in Engineering remained steady at 4.5%. Female representation in Studio Leadership decreased from 20% in 2022 to 16.7% in 2023, and Studio Management saw an increase from 6.3% in 2022 to 10.5% in 2023.
Key Initiatives:
In 2023, Pipeworks hosted a roundtable for Women’s Equality Day and provided women in the studio a platform to share experiences from their careers. Our speakers shared their influences and inspirations, as well as the hardships they faced breaking into and thriving in a male-dominated industry. This roundtable was followed by a Q&A that sparked ideas on how to help women and other marginalized identities feel a sense of belonging even in spaces where they may be underrepresented.

Like last year, a majority of our employees self-identified as White, with Asian and Multiracial as the next largest groups represented studio wide. Approximately 65% of Pipeworks employees are located near our headquarters in Eugene, OR which is 80.5% white according to the 2022 American Community Survey. Pipeworks began expanding our recruitment efforts nationwide in 2020, which has allowed our candidate pool to grow more diverse in all areas, including race and ethnicity. This change has resulted in an increase in racial and ethnic diversity over the last 4 years, with non-white identities growing from 16% combined in 2020 to 25.4% at the end of 2023.
From 2022’s survey results, we have seen slight increases in representation for those who self-identified as Black or African American, Asian, and Multiracial, while White, Hispanic and Latino/a, and American Indian identities saw slight decreases. We had enough answers in each answer category to keep identities separated with the exception of Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, which has been combined in our Multiracial category.
Engineering is less diverse in race and ethnicity than the studio but saw increases in representation for Asian and Multiracial identities in 2023.
Key Initiatives:
Pipeworks hosted representatives from Latinx in Gaming, as well as a Black History Month roundtable in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month and Black History Month, respectively. Speakers from Latinx in Gaming discussed the work they do to support Hispanic game developers and shared their own inspirations, experiences, and ideas for creating culturally impactful and inclusive stories. During our Black History Month roundtable, Pipeworks employees came together to share their experiences and discuss how race and other intersecting identities have affected their life and career.
Like last year, a majority of our employees self-identified as White, with Asian and Multiracial as the next largest groups represented studio wide. Approximately 65% of Pipeworks employees are located near our headquarters in Eugene, OR which is 80.5% white according to the 2022 American Community Survey. Pipeworks began expanding our recruitment efforts nationwide in 2020, which has allowed our candidate pool to grow more diverse in all areas, including race and ethnicity. This change has resulted in an increase in racial and ethnic diversity over the last 4 years, with non-white identities growing from 16% combined in 2020 to 25.4% at the end of 2023.
From 2022’s survey results, we have seen slight increases in representation for those who self-identified as Black or African American, Asian, and Multiracial, while White, Hispanic and Latino/a, and American Indian identities saw slight decreases. We had enough answers in each answer category to keep identities separated with the exception of Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, which has been combined in our Multiracial category.
Engineering is less diverse in race and ethnicity than the studio but saw increases in representation for Asian and Multiracial identities in 2023.
Key Initiatives:
Pipeworks hosted representatives from Latinx in Gaming, as well as a Black History Month roundtable in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month and Black History Month, respectively. Speakers from Latinx in Gaming discussed the work they do to support Hispanic game developers and shared their own inspirations, experiences, and ideas for creating culturally impactful and inclusive stories. During our Black History Month roundtable, Pipeworks employees came together to share their experiences and discuss how race and other intersecting identities have affected their life and career.

Pipeworks skews younger than most companies in the US, with the largest percentage of employees falling in the 25-34 category.
Pipeworks skews younger than most companies in the US, with the largest percentage of employees falling in the 25-34 category.

We allowed for multiple answer selections for the Sexual Orientation question this year, which has resulted in a new category, labeled here as Multiple Identities, and making up 3.1% of the studio.
Between 2020 and 2022, we saw a significant jump in survey participation, which resulted in increases to both Heterosexual and LGBTQIA+ identities. Those identifying as Heterosexual decreased from 66.7% in 2022 to 63.2% in 2023 . While LGBTQIA+ representation combined increased from 17% to 19.6%. Similar to past years, Sexual Orientation continues to have one of the highest rates of respondents that prefer not to disclose.
Key Initiatives:
Pipeworks hosted two educational sessions with our local trans advocacy group, TransPonder. These sessions provided useful definitions, resources, and suggestions for employees and companies to continue creating inclusive spaces. In addition, Pipeworks also hosted a charity stream for Pride month in June with help from Pipeworks’ Employee Resources Group.
We allowed for multiple answer selections for the Sexual Orientation question this year, which has resulted in a new category, labeled here as Multiple Identities, and making up 3.1% of the studio.
Between 2020 and 2022, we saw a significant jump in survey participation, which resulted in increases to both Heterosexual and LGBTQIA+ identities. Those identifying as Heterosexual decreased from 66.7% in 2022 to 63.2% in 2023 . While LGBTQIA+ representation combined increased from 17% to 19.6%. Similar to past years, Sexual Orientation continues to have one of the highest rates of respondents that prefer not to disclose.
Key Initiatives:
Pipeworks hosted two educational sessions with our local trans advocacy group, TransPonder. These sessions provided useful definitions, resources, and suggestions for employees and companies to continue creating inclusive spaces. In addition, Pipeworks also hosted a charity stream for Pride month in June with help from Pipeworks’ Employee Resources Group.

While a slight majority of respondents indicated that they had no disability, 31% of our studio indicated having some diagnosis or disability. Answers for “mental health diagnosis” and “specific learning disabilities” decreased, while “other developmental disabilities,” which includes ADHD, dyspraxia, and those on the Autism spectrum, “sensory impairment,” and “multiple disabilities” all increased. As in past years, disability status continues to have one of the highest rates of respondents that prefer not to disclose.
Key Initiatives:
Neurodiversity has remained a large focus in our DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) efforts. This year, we hosted an educational session and roundtable on neurodiversity to allow studio employees to speak about their experiences. In these sessions, neurodiverse employees shared their experiences with neurodiversity, including resources for getting tested, the differences and similarities between some mental illnesses and neurodiversity, the struggles they have faced, and suggestions for working with and as neurodiverse people.
While a slight majority of respondents indicated that they had no disability, 31% of our studio indicated having some diagnosis or disability. Answers for “mental health diagnosis” and “specific learning disabilities” decreased, while “other developmental disabilities,” which includes ADHD, dyspraxia, and those on the Autism spectrum, “sensory impairment,” and “multiple disabilities” all increased. As in past years, disability status continues to have one of the highest rates of respondents that prefer not to disclose.
Key Initiatives:
Neurodiversity has remained a large focus in our DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) efforts. This year, we hosted an educational session and roundtable on neurodiversity to allow studio employees to speak about their experiences. In these sessions, neurodiverse employees shared their experiences with neurodiversity, including resources for getting tested, the differences and similarities between some mental illnesses and neurodiversity, the struggles they have faced, and suggestions for working with and as neurodiverse people.

Non-religious employee representation has increased year over year and continues to make up a majority of the studio. Christian, Buddhist, and Multiple Religious Belongings all decreased slightly. We did not have enough responses for Jewish, Buddhist, or Hindu individually, so these answers choices have been combined under “Other religious belonging.”
Non-religious employee representation has increased year over year and continues to make up a majority of the studio. Christian, Buddhist, and Multiple Religious Belongings all decreased slightly. We did not have enough responses for Jewish, Buddhist, or Hindu individually, so these answers choices have been combined under “Other religious belonging.”

A majority of employees in the studio are not primary caretakers of children, family, or partners. Those indicating that they are a primary caretaker reduced to 23.3% from 28.9% last year. Those indicating they are not caretakers increased from 61.2% in 2022 to 66.8% in 2023.
Key Initiatives:
Pipeworks has continually reviewed policy and adjusted our benefit offerings to help parents and caretakers. These efforts include increased parental leave and flexible working arrangements.
A majority of employees in the studio are not primary caretakers of children, family, or partners. Those indicating that they are a primary caretaker reduced to 23.3% from 28.9% last year. Those indicating they are not caretakers increased from 61.2% in 2022 to 66.8% in 2023.
Key Initiatives:
Pipeworks has continually reviewed policy and adjusted our benefit offerings to help parents and caretakers. These efforts include increased parental leave and flexible working arrangements.

Pipeworks has a Veteran population of 6.2%. This is a slight decrease from last year, but in line with the US average of about 6.4% according to 2021 Census data.
Pipeworks has a Veteran population of 6.2%. This is a slight decrease from last year, but in line with the US average of about 6.4% according to 2021 Census data.

With the results from the 2023 Demographic Survey, we will continue to identify areas where we can improve and provide aid to marginalized and underrepresented groups within our studio. Within recruitment, we will continue to expand our candidate pool and standardize the hiring process to reduce the opportunity for unconscious bias. Our goal is to create a truly diverse and inclusive company to improve the experience of every employee. We are proud of the improvements we have made over the last four years but know there is still a long way to go. These surveys continue to help us measure shifts in engagement and belonging at Pipeworks. Thank you for reading and thanks to all who participated!
2022 2021 2020

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